- The ARC cluster Flux is available for course work. Some schools cover the cost or subsidize the cost.
- XSEDE (ARC-TS Docs.) is a set of free NSF machines for research as well as teaching. Teaching allocations can be had very easily but some lead time is required. Contact hpc-support@umich.edu for help or questions getting your course up and running on XSEDE.
- The ARC Hadoop/Spark cluster is still free for any use as an exploratory technology.
- The XSEDE Blacklight machine is unique for having 24TB of shared memory. Wrangler is a new cluster built around SSD's and able to run Hadoop and large datasets.
- Amazon Web Services (ARC-TS Docs.) supports classroom use for all their recourses including Elastic Map Reduce and others.
Any questions can be directed to ARC-TS at hpc-support@umich.edu .